
understanding of food

everyone needs to eat and drink so that the person can maintain his life. so, instead of orng live to eat and drink, but once again, people eat and drink for memperyahankan survival and develop himself through his descendants to come.

offspring that will come insha allah healthy body healthy when people are down. whereas every onggota family health in particular, depends completely on the quality and the extent of eating drinking every day. God created the world. God created the animals and plants in the world. God created this world as well as appropriate food-insufficient material for the survival of all living things. then everything that exists in nature, which can be in the eating, so-called food. according to its origin, groceries can be divided into:

- Food ingredients derived from plants (vegetable). - Foodstuffs of animal origin (animal). - Food ingredients derived from minerals (minerals). - Artificial food ingredients (synthesis).

in the foodstuffs are substances called nutrients. nutrients that are essential in sufficient quantities, so that people always sehat.adapun is healthy is not merely the absence of disease, disability, and abnormalities, but a healthy body, healthy spiritually, and socially healthy.

people realize that her life also in the midst of society. and realize that life is not alone, but always in touch with other people. always participate pliers solve problems occurred in the community where he lives. it was called a social healthy. otherwise people always live alone, and the world thought the world bergaulnya limited to its interests, not in the least want to come and think of social interest, either normally or material, then such a person is said that unhealthy social.

Let us return to the nutrients. people who met their need for zar-substances that need, then that person will be healthy physically and spiritually. then that person will be able to work, learn and think well. all limbs will grow properly.

The above has been explained that everything in nature can be in the eating, so-called foodstuffs. foods or breakfast dish patterns Indonesian people is considered complete, when the dish was composed of: staple foods, side dishes, vegetables, and fruits.


staple foods and other foods with a group of staple foods such by the community has been regarded as a staple food that can create a sense of fullness and can provide energy (calories). as a source of energy, can be likened to a staple food or premium fuel for running cars. without fuel, a Nobil could not walk. clear, that the role or function poko food for someone is to give power or strength. basic materials as a source of energy, there are many in our country. can be mentioned, for example: rice, corn, sago, wheat, canthel, manioc, or cassava, sweet potatoes, gembili, suwek, bananas, taro, potato, purse, and so on. let talk about part of it.


based on the occurrence of a grain of rice, can be known mashed rice and milled rice. mashed rice better than milled rice, because the rice membrane (which contains vitamin B), not much is lost. Another case with milled rice. in order to look clean and attractive, mashed rice (mashing with dimples), then mashed again (pounding with a mortar). membrane, which in turn is useful for growing rice our bodies apart into dirt. does not come with rice.

2) corn

foodstuffs can be replaced as a substitute for rice. although the content of vitamin A in it less. This shortfall can be closed with side dishes was multiplied. eg: tofu / tempeh, meat and so on. different from corn grain rice directly in mashed or milled, the result is a rice corn. young corn can be made of vegetables or can be boiled and added a little salt and it tastes delicious.

3) sago

This sago contains a lot of carbohydrates. protein and vitamin B but very little.

4) wheat wheat can also be used as a staple food, as well as a staple food, wheat also process into bread.

B. complementary to eat rice

side dishes and other foods with a bunch of side dishes this golingab, already considered sabagai friend rice. side dishes-this side dish will add to the state, as long as its the right process. side dishes should be chosen which jandungan much protein (protein = albumen).

type of animal side dishes

side dishes of many kinds of animal types. also a higher nutritional value compared with the protein contained in the type of vegetable side dishes. some examples:

1) meat

derived from farm animals such as cattle, buffalo, goats, sheep, pigs. and others. There are also meat of poultry such as chickens, geese, and a variety of birds.

2) fish

as the material side dishes, fish are not a lot of fat, but rich in vitamins A and D. There are two kinds of fish known that freshwater fish (river) and saltwater fish (sea).

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